Sunday, October 4, 2009

Who are we ?

Part I

Traditionally indians considered four aims.

One, to experience spirituality.
To realise oneself.
A person involved in such pursuit was Brahmana.
Example – Adi Sankaracharya, Ramana Maharshi

Two, to uphold dharma, righteousness.
A person involved in such pursuit was Kshatriya.
Example – Sri Rama, Shivaji

Three, to create wealth. For family, community and country, to create wealth.
A person having such an aim was Vyshya.
Example- All those people who made sure that India’s share in world GDP was always greater than 25% till around 1750 when britishers started looting india.

Four, self- aggrandizement. To indulge oneself. ‘Enjoy’ life. Have fun. Work hard, party harder.
It boils down to ‘me’ and ‘mine’.
My life, my body, my looks, my wife, my children, my relations, my friends, my car, my bungalows, my achievements, my degrees, my name, my fame, my money, my empire, my needs, my philosophy, my philanthropy, my broad-mindedness, my Power, my God.
Center of the universe is me and what is mine. Everyting else assumes importance in relation with me.

So if the Dodo bird or the whales do not contribute in any way to my immediate needs, they might as well not exist. If the meat of chicken or goat gives sensual pleasure to me, their purpose is to satisfy my palate. If the Africans can be subjugated and made to slave for me, that is as per the divine dispensations of My God. If the Native Americans lived on bounteous land, they should give it all up for me. This is the mindset.

A person indulging in such aims was Sudra.
Example- All those indians who collaborated with britishers to administer (loot) india during brutish raj.

However Sudras were not like that originally. They helped the others and tried to emulate the really worthy.

As per traditions, a Brahmana is considered ideal for educating people, spreading knowledge.
A Kshatriya, for administering the society, upholding Dharma.
A Vyshya for business, producing things.
And Sudra for helping the others in benefiting society.

99.9999% of people today, most of the time, pursue selfish goals, Sudras gone bad. Perhaps the hallmark of KaliYuga.
Part II

Do ideas attract you ?
Search for the truth of Life and its purpose interest you ? The quest for the meaning of Life allure you ?

Then you think like a Brahmana.
Seek to realise Brahma, and impart knowledge to community, society, nation.

Do you think of events, actions, look forward to making things happen ?
Do principles attract you ?
Do you feel impelled to raise your voice against unrighteusness ?

Then you act like a Kshatriya.
Help administering the community, society, nation. Uphold Dharma, righteousness.

Do materials interest you ?
Gadgets engage you ? producing things attract you ? creating wealth make you happy ?

Then you may handle things like a Vyshya.
Go on, set up business. Increase the wealth of the community, society, nation.

Do you venerate personalities, identify with heroes, enamoured with film stars, adore cricketers, want to live their lifestyle ? Emulate people ? Seek approval from society ? Want to model yourself on another ? Want to possess things ?

Then you seek to 'experience' life, emotions, feelings, taking cue from others, like a Sudra.

Try to accept as heroes only persons of true worth, not mere pomp and show. Choose those who have realised Brahma, those who upholds Dharma, those who creates wealth for society.
And help them in serving your community, society, nation.

And most importantly, remember that one's likes are changeable. Every person is a dynamic being.
As you feel drawn to new likes, go on, accept them as your aim and actualise Karma.

1 comment:

  1. nice post

    keep it up

    i happen to be here

    after reading your comment on

    Godse and Gandhi

    @Rightwing Raumblings
